3.2 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase order (see
6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 4.2.1 and
3.3 Safety. All parts subject to high operational temperatures, speed, or
of nipping, pinching or electrical shock potential, that are of such a nature or
are so located as to be or become a hazard tO the safety of the operating
personnel, shall be insulated or grounded, enclosed or guarded to the extent
necessary to eliminate the hazard, in conformance with ANSI B20.1.
3.4 Materials. Materials used shall be free from defects which would
adversely affect the performance or maintainability of individual components or
of the overall assembly. Materials not specified herein shall be of the same
quality used for the intended purpose in commercial practice. Unless otherwise
specified herein, all equipment, material, and articles incorporated in the work
covered by this specification are to be new and fabricated using materials
produced from recovered materials to the maximum extent possible without
jeapordizing the intended use. The term "recovered materials" means materials
which have been collected or recovered from solid waste and reprocessed to
become a source of raw materials, as opposed to virgin raw materials. None of
the above shall be interpreted to mean that the use of used or rebuilt products
is allowed under this specification unless otherwise specified.
3.5 Standard commercial product. The conveyor shall, as a minimum, be in
accordance with the requirements of this specification and shall be the
manufacturer's standard commercial product. Additional or better features which
are not specifically prohibited by this specification but which
the manufacturer's standard commnercial product, shall be included in the
conveyor being furnished. A standard commercial product is a product which has
been sold or is being currently offered for sale on the commercial market
through advertisements or manufacturer's catalogs, or brochures, and represents
the latest production model.
3.6 Performance.
The conveyor shall operate satisfactorily when elevated at
any angle from 12 degrees (°) through 22° front the horizontal. The belt speed
shall be not less than 260, nor more than 440 feet per minute. The system shall
be capable of delivering, at the specified rates (see 1.2), bulk material such
as crusher run aggregate weighing 100 pounds per cubic foot, when operating at a
21° angle. A means shall be provided to prevent belt roll back.
3.7 Design and construction. The equipment shall be designed and
constructed to facilitate field maintenance. All adjustment and replaceable
accessories shall be readily accessible. With conveyor at a 12° elevated angle
and a maximum belt load, the frame lataral and vertical deflection (D, in
inches) between supports shall not exceed 1/360 (0.36 inch in 10 linear feet).
The frame deflection shall return to neutral when the load is removed.
3.7.1 Conveyor frame. All operating parts of the conveying system shall be
mounted on the conveyor frame. The frame shall be a lattice-type truss
fabricated of structural steel angle conforming to ASTM A36/A36M. The toop cord
members shall be not less than 2.5 by 2.5 by 0.25 inch steel angle. The bottom
cord members shall be not less than 4 by 3 by 0.25 inch steel angle. Diagonal
members shall be not less than 1.5 by 1.5 by 0.1825 inch steel angle. Vertical
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